Monday, March 3, 2008

The not so fun part of parenting

I have about a billion things to report about, but the most important is Ben's health. He ended up continuing his fever overnight and the eye gook. He went to the pediatrician's office for an 11:15 appointment. We got out of there at 1:15. Seriously. We were headed to AI Dupont Hospital for Children to get a chest x-ray, as the Ped heard something in the left lobe of his lung. After the x-ray was taken and read, it was determined he has "mucus plugs" in his lungs. I guess that means not full blown pneumonia, but a lesser version? He's on an antibiotic. His fever was broken all day long and I thought we might be through with it. Unfortunately at 4:00 his fever was back and with a vengenance. It's currently 102.9 and I'm waiting for the Motrin to kick in.
Thank God for my parents who were able to watch him this morning and AUnt Kim who is watching him tomorrow.


Jeanna said...

Oooh, poor Ben. Hope he's better quickly.

I Need A Drink! said...

I'm so sorry Cory.....Get well soon Sweet Boy.
