Thursday, October 4, 2007

Way to go Addie!

She must've had that sisterly sense last night. For the FIRST TIME EVER, I put her to bed in her room at 9:00ish and she woke up in her room at 6:00am!! Now that would seem like a much needed respite for me, except for the fact that poor little Benjamin woke up at 1:00am with a FEVER, like a steam-from-his-ears fever. Motrin hadn't broken it after an hour even, that's how bad it was. Eventually close to 2:45am he fell asleep in our bed with us. But I'm saying Addie had the sixth sense and knew Ben needed us last night more than she did.

Here's some pictures of them. Addie is doing her "picture taking" pose here:
Ben flying through the air on my legs:

Them together. Really, she looks like she's strangling him, but actually she's just trying to put her arm around him. Or at least that's what she says!

His birthday invitations are DONE! Woohoo! In just about a month, he'll be one! :(

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