Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The steps continue...

Ben took 6 steps at lunchtime today. Slowly, but surely he'll get there :)

I finally decided on a theme for his birthday party. Nothing like waiting til the last minute right? Get this- the cake pan I was going to use has been discontinued! Even though every craft store's website shows them carrying it, they don't! I even went to Sheila's Party World and called Canon's! If Canon's doesn't have it, no one will. The woman there actually told me about it being discontinued. She said my best bet was to find it at a garage sale. WHAT? That was a weird suggestion, I thought.

I managed to buy just about all of the decoration thingies today. It'll be cute, once I get it all worked out, along with what food we'll serve and oh yeah, after I clean this house.

Excited tomorrow is Ben's first Halloween. I can so clearly remember last year's Halloween and being ready to have Ben. One week later I did. :) We have a busy day running around tomorrow, so everyone can see Addie and Ben in costume. We also have the "imagination parade" at daycare (since they can't celebrate 'Halloween'). I am really looking forward to that and to seeing all of the costumes there.

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