Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Super Nanny Daddy-style

Brian has been toughing out getting Addie to bed at 8pm, ala Super Nanny. I think he is laying with her again right now. She's such a manipulator! Totally knows to say "I need to go potty" and she'll be allowed out of her room. And she does this crying-coughing-gagging thing that almost makes her puke. That's actually what she did when she was about 11 months old, in her crib when we let her cry it out. She threw up all over her room. Ahhh, let's just hope that doesn't happen again. In the end, it's best for her to get more sleep. Over night when when she came into our room, she said she needed to go potty- so I took her in. As she was going potty, she said, "Mommy, I was crying for you." At one point when Brian put her back in her room, she said, "Daddy, look, I'm crying" and showed him her tears. Again, little Miss Manipulator

For daycare today, we had to decorate a heart for the "Our Families Are Special" wall. We were supposed to put our last name and one thing that makes us special on it, in addition to whatever decorations we wanted. I ended up making our's say "We sign together" and I included an 'I love you' sign, as well as the kids' names fingerspelled out. Anyway tonight while walking out with Addie and Ben, we stopped to look at the signs. There is a little boy in Ben's class named Timmy (gag, blech) who's heart I looked at and was like "OMG!" His heart has pictures of his family members, including his aunt and uncle- who Brian & I went to school with. The uncle and Brian were soccer teammates and co-captains. His aunt and I played lacrosse together and worked at Manhattan Bagel together. I was actually the first person she showed her tattoo to, after she and her then-boyfriend got them one night. Isn't it a small world? Last time we ran into them, they were getting married. Now they have a little daughter.

Here's a picture of Ben signing 'cheese.' It's really funny because when I say "say cheese" for a picture, he'll sign it now!

And video from when Muddy and Guppy were here on Sunday.

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