Friday, February 15, 2008

Elton John

I scored two tickets to see him at the Bob!! Wooohooo!! I'm so psyched!! Tickets sold out in 6 minutes!
Ben's 15 month stats: 26 lbs, 32 3/4 inches tall, 49.5cm head circumference. Developmentally at least 18 months, with physical and verbal skills. It's interesting because to me he seems so much less verbal than Addie ever was. However he's ahead of the curve compared to kids his age. The ped was impressed with his signing and all of the words he can say. Part of it is that he doesn't choose to say all of the words all of the time, the way Addie does. :)
Addie is officially potty trained. No question about it. She's even been going to be in just underwear and being dry in the morning. So amazing!
For Valentine's Day Brian and I bought a new dishwasher last weekend. It gets delivered and installed tomorrow!! So exciting!
I have SO much laundry to do this weekend. It might be the first time ever that I didn't do one load of wash the whole week. Aye caramba!
Addie is willingly singing the Friendship Song now, so I'll try to get a video of it. She serenaded Muddy & Guppy at lunch today, and also sang it to Onkteb & Aunt Gail on the phone last night.
Daycare is closed on Monday. Brian is off work. UD isn't closed, but I took a sick day so I could be home with them. Not planning on anything formally, but just excited to spend the day as a family.

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