Thursday, February 14, 2008

Friendship Day aka Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day everyone.
As I walked into Addie's classroom today, Ms. Agnes said, "Addie sing your Mom the Friendship Song." Addie broke into "Happy, happy friendship day, friendship day, friendship day. Happy happy friendship day, I love you very much." It's to the tune Mary Had a Little Lamb. She sang it perfectly. Ms. Agnes wrote on her daily report, "had such a great time singing the friendship song by herself during circle time." I tried to get a video of her singing it, but she kept yelling at me to stop mouthing the words with her. LOL
I got a huge, beautiful bouquet of flowers delivered to work. The card said, "Dear Mommy/Cory, You're the best mommy/wife ever. We love you. Love, Daddy, Addie and Ben" Isn't that funny? Somehow Brian has lost his identity as anyone other than Daddy.
We had chinese for dinner. Brian still isn't home, and it's 8:47pm. The kids love Girl Scout Tagalong cookies as much as I do!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cory, how funny, I wrote the same thing on my blog - its 847 and Ben is not home yet. Maybe our husbands were partying together? LOL Mine got home around 930.