Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Day two- NO accidents!

Ladies and gentlemen, I can not even express how proud I am of Sweet Adelaide. She went the entire day (at daycare and at home) without an accident!! Even after her bath when she wore a pullup for bed, she told me she had to go potty. What a big girl she is now!! I bought her more underwear today. Is it slightly unnerving to anyone else that they actually make different cuts of underwear for 2 year olds? All of her other pairs are the "brief" cut, but the ones I bought today are "bikini." OMG, will that look inappropriate on her? LOL

Oh yeah one more thing, Extreme Makeover Home Edition is here in Wilmington! We're going by to see the house, or I guess where the house was until yesterday. Pretty cool to have Barack and Ty Pennington here in the same week. :)


Anonymous said...

WTG Addie!!!! That's awesome!!!

Jeanna said...

Woot! great job Addie