Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Phone talker

For those of you who have met Addie, and seen her near a phone, this will be no surprise to you. For those of you who have only met her via the internet, she's such a riot. You're really missing out on the in-person version of her!

This morning Addie answered our house phone for the first time. I saw on the caller id that it was someone from work. Although I didn't quite know exactly who it was, it was a University of Delaware number so I figured it couldn't be too bad if she answered. Of course she was telling me, "I'll get it." So I said, "go ahead." With a little help pushing the correct button, she was on her way. She answered the phone like an old pro. On the other end, none other than Ilka, my friend and co-worker. Addie and Ilka chatted for a few minutes before handing the phone over to me. Very cool start to the day!

In other news, this kid loves to play pretend. I am always amazed at how imaginative she is. Lately she's been giving us "presents" and telling us to open them. Usually I do a "wow, I love it! What is it again?" sort of thing and what she comes up with is hysterical! She also at night time has taken to sitting down on the foam Winnie the Pooh chair, to "ask some questions" as she says. Basically she just sits there and talks about life. But in her head, that's what questions she has.

1 comment:

Me said...

That sounds sooo cute!