Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Good luck Guppy!

Addie's special message to Guppy. He's having a bone spur cut off of his heel, which actually is quite a big process. Looking forward to six weeks of a hard cast, then 4 weeks of a soft one...

In other news, since about 9pm last night, Addie has sent both Brian and Ben to the naughty step. Brian got relegated there for stealing a sip of her apple juice, without asking. Tsk, tsk, tsk. This morning Benjamin bit me HARD while nursing and I screamed out in pain. Addie decided Ben needed to sit on the naughty step for that. She even asked, "Can I carry him there?"

Benjamin calls Addie "Adda" when he sees her. This morning I was asking Ben, "do you see Adda?" and Addie sat up and said, "who's Adda?" I said, "you." She replied, "No, I'm Addie Nourie." The only 2 year old who uses her first and last name on a regular basis, according to daycare. Of course this was news to me, because if you recall last time I checked her name was Fudgey.

Oh yeah and last night was Alphabet pasta's turn for a taste. Concensus: again it rocked! I'm not even sure who would come out in front the teddy bears or the letters, if we did a competition.

1 comment:

Me said...

I gotta get some of these cool shape pastas. :)

Addie is too cute, Dommie hasn't figured his last name out yet.