Sunday, April 8, 2012

Hello, Happy Easter!!

My Easter kiddos were happy to go downstairs this morning to see what the Easter Bunny brought. Ben had just gotten his hat on Friday night and loves to wear it.
Some of these are out of order- sorry!
The Easter Bunny made her annual appearance at our house, which Addie and Ben believe happens at everyone's house. Look how grown up they are now!
Brian and Guppy chilled out and enjoyed the nice weather while the kids hunted for some loot.
Later on, we went to MomMom and PopPop's house and hung out with Graham.
Addie wore her 2012 Muddy-created-Easter dress, of course and looked adorable.
We went over to Muddy and Guppy's for Easter dinner too. Aunt Kim and Uncle Tom were there too, they just didn't make it into this picture. It was a really nice evening full of fascinating dinner conversation and yummy food.
Back to the hunt at our house, Addie and Ben each got a water balloon pump and balloons!
The Easter Bunny hid 12 presents around our front yard. This is when they had found 11 of them and the 12th was in the black flower pot by Addie's head. It was really funny to see them walk by over and over again.
The Easter Bunny commented on Guppy's use of his cane and mimicked it too.
Addie was SO THRILLED to find a real locket in her basket this morning. She was equally impressed that the cardboard it came on said "not intended for children under 14 years of age," which meant that the Easter Bunny believed she was mature enough for such a special necklace. As she told us later on, "It's so good the Easter Bunny got me the locket necklace, because the Easter Bunny's job is to make kids happy and that way no one in our family had to spend money on it." She is really excited to have it! And yes, I do realize that she looks like a teenager in this picture- it makes me shiver a little.

The Easter Bunny also brought them each their own tennis rackets, and rackets for Brian and me too! We spent the morning playing tennis out back with Muddy and with Guppy watching us. Really fun.
Overall, a wonderful Easter.
Hope everyone got to spend time with special people in their lives too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you guys all had fun yesterday, and I'm sorry I missed it! The kids look adorable, and far too old for their actual ages. I can't wait to see them this coming weekend.
Uncle Teb