Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Why Ben loves Brian's birthday

Because I made chocolate icing for his cake and let Ben "lick the spatula" which apparently involved all aspects of his face, not just his tongue. How is that possible?

Happy birthday to my dear husband, who unfortunately had to have a certain 5.5 year old have a major meltdown over having to eat meatloaf for dinner, which turned into a not so nice dinner and almost cake-eating. Luckily eventually she pulled herself together.


Jeremy said...

Happy Birthday Brian!! Both Amanda and I were pleased to see that apparently Ben took a page out of Aunt Amanda's book on how to eat chocolate. You don't know how many times I have been met with a face like that! We hope that you had a great birthday Bri, despite the mini meltdown!!!

Onkteb said...

Happy Birthday Brian! I don't know what caused the meltdown, but I sort of figure meltdown + chocolate-icing-faced-Ben actually sort of evens out, right?

Onkteb said...

OK, I've been thinking about this all day: how does licking a spatula get icing on his forehead? I can see the nose, cheeks, and chin, but how can you hold a spatula such that some icing-covered part of it bumps into the upper half of your face?