Tuesday, July 8, 2008

She's a pistol!

Last night Brian "went up to put Addie to bed."  About 10 minutes later, she pops down the stairs and says "hi Mommy."  I said, "where's Daddy?"  "Asleep."  Of course.  I go into the kitchen to pour her a drink and she puts her hands on her hip and makes this inquisitive face.  She says:
"Mommy, is it hard being a parent?" 
Excuse me?! What? Are you serious?
"Is it hard being a parent?"
"Yes it is, Addie."
"Because you have to make sure your kids are safe."

So turnabout is fair play and I ask, "Addie, is hard being a kid?"
"Yes it is."  "Why?" "Because I love my Mommy and I love my Daddy and I love..." Apparently all that lovin' causes a 3 year old some distress.  If all of the world's problems involved loving too many people, right?

At daycare this afternoon, she proudly showed me her "shadow."  They did outlines of their bodies and each kid got to decorate their own.  Addie's was the only one with clear things on it.  I *hope* they save them for parents to take home.  On Addie's outline was two eyes, a nose, and a mouth in just about the right places on her face.  In the middle of her body was a big circle, for a belly, which she told me was full of food.  And finally, I'm pretty sure she drew pubic hair on herself.  Lots of scribbles just where it would be.  Seriously, I don't think the teacher knew what to say. I just thought how "developed" she is. :) Every other kids' outline has random scribbles all over.  Not Addie's!  Is anyone surprised?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ROFL... If I did not know better I would swear you are making this stuff up! You know it is not easy being green! Bless Addie girl's loving heart, head, eyes and scribbles! LOL