Monday, July 28, 2008

Kids v. Children

It's funny to me how often I post here using the words "my kids."  When I was in Graduate School, I had this one professor who had an 8 year old son and she always referred to him as "my kid." It drove me crazy. Saying "my kid" seemed so un-parentlike to me.  I said, "I'll never say that."
Well fast forward four years and here we are with lots of stories about my kids.  I think that's the difference.  Plurally, kids is ok with me.  When Addie was an only child, she was "my child."  I never referred to her as my kid.
Incidentally on the way up the stairs to baths tonight Addie was chasing me carrying Ben.  I said, "We've gotta hurry up Ben, the monster is coming to get us."  Her nose got all bent out of shape and she said, "Mommy, I'm not a monster, I'm a children." :)

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