Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The kiss of death

This weekend I mentioned to Brian that while by no means overweight, I think I need to start paying attention to my stomach and my toning. For the first time in my life, I have extra skin around my middle and I don't like it.  I haven't done my abs workout in a long time, so I think I'll start.  
Well as I told Brian this, he said IT.  You know what I mean. IT.  The grand-daddy of them all.  IT.  He actually said, "Well you have had two kids." Done. Kiss of death.  For real, it's on now. 

Addie is all about the movie Enchanted right now.  For those who don't know, it's a Princess movie from Disney.  The Princess, Giselle, has all of the qualities of all of the Disney Princesses combined, including the ability to talk to animals.  Addie has adopted this trait too.  Now, whenever she sees birds she automatically SINGS, "ahhahaaaaa aahhhaaaaa aahhhhhhhaaaa" and fully expects the birds to flock to her.  She get disappointed each time they fly away.  Imagine the poor bird's perspective for a second- just sitting here digging for a worm,minding my own business. Wait! What's that? Oh no, that 3 year old blonde is running at me full force screaming "ahhhaaaaaaa aaahhhhaaa aahhhhhaaaa."  She can't possibly think that sound is enticing, can she?  Better fly away before she gets me.

Ben's allergy to mosquitoes is back in full force.  Poor bub, he's swollen and itchy.  Each bite he gets turns into this hard, fevery welt.  It looks bad too.  

Off to do some crunches ;)


Anonymous said...

LOL about the kiss of death!!!! That sounds like something Steve would say. Wish we lived closer because I'd come over and join you. :)

That's great about Addie singing to the worms. I love that movie!!!

Congrats on your sister's news!

Anonymous said...

Oye, yellow card on Brian. Yikes.

The image of Addie running after the birds cracked me up to the point of laughing out loud. That's my girl!

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I would have been tempted to say, "yeah, so what's YOUR excuse" and pat him fondly on the tummy :)
Cory, you look great. I'm actually sorta jealous. Maybe you can get Teb to do crunches too. Shhh. Don't tell him I said that. I mean, he's had two kids . . . oh, wait. No, he hasn't.