Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wii boxing

We've had the Wii for several years, but we haven't really played it that much. This weekend we brought it out to see how the kids did with it. Well since then, each night, we've had Wii sports playing. Whether it's the Wii Fit yoga or the Wii Sports' boxing, they are exercising each night before bed. Enjoy the video of them boxing. It's funny to see how much their booties move while boxing.


Onkteb said...

It's very interesting to see how they're relating the image on the screen to their own bodies' positions and movements. They both look upwards but hit downwards (I'm guessing relation to the on-screen location of the virtual hands?). Anyway, looks like fun!

Uncle Jeremy said...

That is some of the worst boxing, but best butt wiggling that I have ever seen. Ben is so much more serious about it than Addie. Ah, he is SO my nephew! I would have been all over that like white on rice when I was his age. Glad to hear that they are doing some yoga and working out. Welcome to Aunt Amanda and my daily routine... Sometimes it is a pain in the butt to do it but we always feel great afterwards! Love you guys,
Uncle Jeremy