Thursday, February 10, 2011

Valentine's store

Ben and Muddy went shopping yesterday for some little Valentine's Day decorations. When I came home from work he showed me his loot. There are Valentine's stickers and a pack of heart shaped doilies. The package says "AC Moore" on the doilies. So I said, "Oh you went to AC Moore?" Ben looked at me and said, "No. We went to the Valentine's store." I said, "Right, but it's AC Moore, they sell Valentine's stuff there." He said, "No, it's the Valentine's store. There were hearts everywhere." I had to explain to him that it was actually the same store where he wore his Dancy the robot costume and won the contest on Halloween. Funny how he thought it was a whole store just for Valentine's Day. His response was a nonchalant, "oh."

1 comment:

Onkteb said...

I sometimes feel like my grocery store is the "calendrically nearest holiday" store, because of how much they rearrange to emphasize the relevant wares.