Tuesday, May 31, 2011

First pedicure

I took Addie out of school early on Friday, so she could participate in her first pedicure before Aunt Kim and Uncle Tom's wedding. Let's just say, it was a HUGE success.
Addie had two pillows scooting her forward enough to reach into the foot bath.

Benjamin quite enjoyed the massage chair.
The whole party was there...Aunt Wendy, Muddy, Aunt Amanda and Aunt Kim (all the way in the background) and Truitt, Aunt Kim's bff was there too.
Addie ended up with a design on her nails and toes both.
With her feet in the dryer
Good uncles Tom and Jeremy were the peanut gallery who watched and waited for us (ok, Jeremy was a prisoner since I was his ride, and Tom was Truitt and Kim's ride, so he was captive too!)

All glammed up. She loved it so much, she's asked to go regularly. We talked about how she can use some of her money that she's saved in her piggy bank to pay for trips out like this. Fun.
Oh and Ben also requested next time that he get a pedicure too.

1 comment:

Onkteb said...

Ben on the massage chair looks like he's having almost too much fun!