Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010 music in review

Yes, I know I haven't posted things for Christmas yet. I will get to that this weekend, hopefully.

In the meantime, I wanted to do a musical review of this past year, with Addie and Ben's favorites highlighted.

We started the year with "The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow" fresh off of Addie's 2009 audition for America's Got Talent. That carried us well into the surprise of a lifetime when we went to get to see Annie live in Philadelphia.
This was also the year of the tv show Glee introducing Addie and Ben to certain music. Uncle Jeremy is very concerned that Addie and Ben will grow up believing that Rachel Barry or Finn are the actual singers of these songs. We assure you they will not. Anyway, Glee introduced Addie and Ben to "Defying Gravity," "Don't Stop Believing" and Ben's personal favorite "Busta Move." We also have enjoyed "Sweet Caroline" and "Jesse's Girl" from our Glee collection.
Taylor Swift was still popular in our house as well. "White Horse" was an early favorite, as well "Fifteen."
Finally, our biggest "rocking out songs" which are truly felt in Benjamin's blood. The number one rocking out song is definitely "Bohemian Rhapsody," to which both know more words than just about every adult I've ever heard try to sing it. The close second rocking out song is "Dynamite" by Tao Cruz. And finally, the third rocking out song is "Are You Gonna Go My Way" by Lenny Kravitz.
Their favorite songs to slow dance to are still "Sleepy Jeans" and "Lost in This Moment."
From this list, I think it's safe to say that Addie and Ben like a variety of music and are exposed to musical diversity and appreciate it. Curious what next year's list will look like, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know the day will come when "Sleepy Jeans" is no longer an active favorite, but I'm inordinately proud that it still is. I actually think I can remember the first time I sang it to Addie, when you were driving me (from your first house) to the Wilmington train station. I sat in the backseat next to Addie's car-bucket and sang it to her then, because I always thought it was a pretty song. It seems so long ago already.