Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Weekend of fun

We took at three day weekend trip to New Hampshire to visit Uncle Jeremy, Aunt Amanda, LouLou, Bub and even Kate! I have lots of pictures to post, but wanted to share this one story with you before I forgot.
We left about 5:30pm on Thursday. The driving was smooth until New York, where we encountered an accident delay. It took a long time. Now mind you by that point, two hours into the ride I think we had stopped at least three times for Ben's pee breaks. His "holder" doesn't hold very long nor does it give him much notice, so we are becoming experts with veering onto the shoulder of any grassy patch we can find, if you catch my drift. Literally 6 minutes into the ride he announced that he needed to pee. Any way, fast forward to this bumper to bumper mess in New York and we are not moving, not an inch. Ben announces he needs to pee. My only option is to offer him to pee into our empty Dunkin Donuts iced coffee cups. So I climb into the back seat, unbuckle him and help him not make a mess. I buckle him back up, climb back up front and then there are lots of jokes about not drinking from that cup, etc. About five minutes and not more than one foot of driving later, Addie announces that she needs to pee as well. Well that is a little trickier. She's got a good holder, so she is willing to wait a while. Eventually she's basically doing a seated version of the peepee dance and I offer her to pee in the Dunkin Donuts cup. She took one look at it, and said, "Will you take off the lid?" Brian and I almost peed ourselves laughing over that question. Did she actually think that we'd make her virtually catheter herself with the straw and lid? It was so funny. She opted to not try to pee into a cup, much to my relief. She ended up holding it long enough to get through traffic and into an actual bathroom. It sure was funny though.
More stories and pictures will come tonight. I couldn't post last night because The Bachelorette finale was on, and we all know Addie and I have priorities! By the way, we were both satisfied with the outcome, if you are wondering.

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