Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Addie and Ben are really into making comparisons and choice between things right now. Last week in the car they really wanted me to choose "which kid you love the most." I, of course, said "I love Addie most as my daughter and Ben most as my son." That answer did not suffice. They kept pushing for me to name one of them. Eventually it ended like this, "Addie." "Ben." Now Addie." "Now Ben." and so on.
Then we started playing that game and I have to say what shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, but that Ben chose me over everything....except when it came between "Mommy and Kate." He had to think long and hard about that. I'd say about half of the time he chooses me, and I'm ok with that.
Anything versus Addie, Addie usually wins in Ben's mind. Addie is slightly more judgemental in her determinations, but typically chooses her family member over the other person/thing.
The funniest part is when Benjamin is asked to choose between Daddy and anything else. Without fail Ben chooses the other thing. It's a joke, and he laughs about it, but he's consistent to no end. Brian will start with "Daddy or Mommy" and then work his way to "Daddy or ice cream" and then end up somewhere with "Daddy or a pile of dog poop (because yes, that's how classy we are.)" Ben will choose the other thing every.single.time. Last night it was "Daddy or an inanimate object" and Ben said, "the object." It's funny. No idea why he does this, other than to be funny and because he knows it'll get a rise out of Brian.
When Brian was recounting the "which child do you love most" story, he said Ben was lucky that they asked me, because clearly Brian's answer would be "Addie." Funny.

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