Friday, April 24, 2009

Rehearsal day

Today's the wedding rehearsal. I'm having flash forwards of Addie striking a pose or vogueing down the aisle tomorrow.  We'll see.
Since the weather is going to be 85 and sunny tomorrow, I opted for Addie to get a pair of white sandals to wear with her white dress.  They're open toed and we negotiated I would paint her toenails if she wore them. (Notice how I said negotiated, instead of bribed?!) So last night after baths both Addie and Ben got hot pink painted toenails.  This morning while Ben was still asleep Addie asked me to paint her fingernails as well. I thought of those precious Mommy-daughter commercials and thought I'd live it up too.  Tragically, Ben just made me very aware that he has no fingernail polish on.  Not sure how Brian will feel about Ben with hot pink fingernails! At least he can wear socks over his toes....
I'll try to post some pictures tonight after the rehearsal.

1 comment:

Jeanna said...

Can't wait! You know its going to suck for the bride that Addie is going to steal the day!