Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Just some random pictures and updates of our lives recently.

At dinner last night Addie and Ben decided they were going to make silly faces. I took pictures.
Yes, they were having spaghetti!
Ben's "smile" face. Such a cutie.

Addie would give Madonna a run for her money in the vogue-ing category. Hard core voguer!

Silly face.

Posing, as she said, "with my washable marker."

On Saturday we invited Emma, Ben's friend from KinderCare, come over to jump in the moon bounce. He was so excited for her to come over. He wanted to show her how the moon bounce blows up, so he waited very patiently for her to arrive in the afternoon. This was taken from inside the family room window, looking out at him.

I don't know if it comes across clearly enough, but he's got his hands folded, just sitting there waiting for Emma to arrive!
This is how I was greeted when I arrived home on Friday...

That's corn and strawberries, in case you can't tell.

Our welcome home Daddy, cat and dog we made.

It says "Welcome to our garden" on the pathway. Muddy says that Addie and Ben did help out too!
I braided Addie's hair the other morning too.

Cute, right?

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