Friday, January 23, 2009

Some more gems

I'm all mushy right now I guess, realizing how fantastic my kids are. I know parents are largely for responsible how their children behave, etc, but I also think part of it is just who your kids are. I feel really lucky to have such funny, independent, light-hearted, fun, energetic, smart, polite, well-rounded kids. Not everyone can say that, for real.

The other day Onkteb emailed me and asked how life was in Delaware. I ended up writing this long thing about what great ages Addie and Ben are at, etc. That evening I had to teach a class at UD, so I dropped Addie and Ben off at Muddy and Guppy's house. As I was recounting my email to Onkteb, I said outloud, "It makes me sad that she's not a little girl anymore." Addie immediately stopped what she was doing, climbed up on my lap, threw her arms around me and said, "Aww, it's ok. I'm still your little girl." Talk about tear inducing! I proceeded to squeeze her tightly and said, "even when you're almost 3o with two kids of your own, you'll always be my little girl." Reminds me of the I'll love you forever book.

On Monday morning there was a dusting of snow on the ground, so I got the kids excited to wear their snow boots to daycare. Addie put on her hot pink boots, with grey trim faux fur. Ben apparently really wanted to wear them too. He refused to wear his blue boots. He did his version of a tantrum (which involves laying face-down on the floor, with his knees tucked up under his chest), insisting he must wear "the boots with fur." Addie wasn't budging on wearing them. So after 3o minutes of conversation and negotiation, Benjamin left the house wearing his blue boots, his winter coat and my fur-lined gloves, complete with the fur edging. This boy has a definite sense of style. Not to mention his favorite socks to wear all have Hello Kitty on them.

This afternoon I will take Kota the dinosaur to daycare for all of the kids to play on/with. Last week I was supposed to bring him in on Friday, but they had a pipe burst in the center so the kids came home early. Should be fun. When I left this morning I could hear Addie telling all of her friends, "sit down, sit down, you all need to be really good today so Mommy can bring in the dinosaur!" It'll probably be the best day of behavior ever!


Jeanna said...

you do totally have some keepers there!

Muddy said...

Muddy is dying to hear how Kota's appearance went.

Love, Muddy

Anonymous said...

Muddy also apparently speaks in the 3rd Person.