Saturday, December 1, 2007


Sorry to delay the Disney posts, but I'm waiting for our picture cd in the mail, so I can include photos of all of the wonderfulness. :) I've thought of my way of presenting the info too- so go me!

We're heading off to Danville, Virginia first thing in the morning. It's an 8 1/2 hour drive. with two kids. Oh dear Lord, please help us! We considered leaving tonight and splitting the drive, but somehow decided to just push it all together tomorrow. I may have no hair left by the time we arrive in Danville.

The hotel has wireless, so I'll be able to update, etc. We'll be there through 4pm Wednesday, then driving home!

Here are a few pics of life right now:
The new camera has an orange light that blinks before the camera flashes. Ben has decided that when it blinks, it means "cue cheesy, fake smile." I might put electrical tape over it, if this continues! LOL

Here's Addie first thing in the morning :)

To whet your whistle, the below picture demonstrates how Ben is channeling Addie, with the cheesy fake smile. This is on one of the bus rides from the Magic Kingdom.

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