Thursday, December 20, 2007

Almost time!

Well, the holidays are rapidly approaching and there's still so much to do. I sent the kids to daycare yesterday, just so I could stay home to wrap presents and bake cookies. Their final "big" present arrived yesterday as well. The box is bigger than I am! I had to manage it down the stairs into the basement. Let me just say, Christmas Eve assembling is going to be f-u-n.

We had Winter pasta last night for dinner. Ben was covered in spaghetti sauce, better than ever before. I'll try to upload those pictures tonight.

Guess what? The tree still isn't fully decorated! Ben is really quick at taking instruments off too. Between the two of them, I think we'll have a tree with glass ornaments from about 4 feet up, and that'll be it.

Today is the daycare holiday party at 3pm. Addie was excited because we have to bring in cookies for the party. Unfortunately, she's convinced it her birthday party. The whole ride there this morning she sang "Happy Birthday to Addie." I can only wait til the party starts; she'll probably convince the whole class to sing to her. That's my little leader.

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