Monday, August 27, 2012

Going back to school

 Thursday was the back to school block party, where the kids got to meet their teachers, get acquainted with their room, etc.  Here are my kindergartner and second grader!!
 So grown up now!! And it's really great to have them at the same school now too.
 Ben is in Ms. Melgarejo's class, just like Addie was. We are thrilled with that!
 He found his table, which is nicely situated near the bathroom.
 Addie's class is downstairs, near the room she was in last year.  Her teacher has a nearly-impossible name to pronounce. She was pretty happy to be there and see everyone. I don't think ever family who walked through the door garnered a round of applause from the teachers!!
 In the gym was this awesome inflatable obstacle course. The kids thought it would be so much fun. Ben was off...
and this was how he came off the "slide."  I actually thought he may have broken his neck. He was fine, except for a little blood blister which formed on his chin, sort of like a rug burn. (Remember that for the first day of school post!)
Overall, pretty excited kids for the upcoming school year.

1 comment:

Djehuti said...

Oh my, that fall down the slide looks awful!
Uncle Teb