Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pumpkins and stuff

We carved our pumpkins this weekend. Ben and Addie each drew on their pumpkins and I carved out as best as I could what they depicted.

Addie really wanted this one to just have a circle mouth, but I thought it needed some more oomph.
Guess who's this is? He didn't draw it, but he told me what he wanted.
Addie told me what shapes she wanted on this one.
This is also Addie's. It's supposed to be glasses on the pumpkin.
This week is national anti-drug week at school, where apparently the red ribbon symbolizes being anti-drugs. And yes, it's funny to me to think of Addie at all of 5 years pledging to be drug free. She doesn't even know what drugs are. Anyway, so she had to wear red on Monday. It happens to be ridiculously warm here right now, like mid-70s warm, so Addie opted to wear a short-sleeved red shirt (the ONLY piece of red clothing she has, actually). I thought she looked so cute.
Ben just being adorable.

Posing outside again with our stairs o'pumpkin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember buying that T-shirt for you 3+ years ago (I was still living in Wilmington) and thinking, "someday she'll be big enough to wear this!" I can't believe that you're that big already!