In the midst of getting to Muddy, Brian had Addie and Ben in the car en route to the ER. The kids were really excited to go to the hospital for some odd reason. I knew they wouldn't be allowed in. So in the waiting room when Guppy came out to greet us and send us away, Addie gave Guppy these two flower buds for Muddy. The whole car ride home we addressed questions like "but why can't kids go to the hospital?" "Because hospitals are for sick people" "but Muddy's not sick" "for sick and hurt people" "but then why can't we see her if she's hurt?" "because they don't want you to get the germs of the sick people" "but we won't talk to any sick people" "germs are everywhere" "how do you know? what do they look like? what color are they?" and so on and so forth.
By the time Muddy was released last night, Addie and Ben were long asleep. So this morning when they woke up I explained that Muddy was ok, that she had special staples in her head, etc. Addie immediately wanted to know, "Did she get my flowers?" "Yes, she did." "Did they calm her down?" "Yes, they did." and then the world's biggest smile engulfed her face. She had comforted Muddy in her time of angst and she couldn't be prouder of that fact.
Here's a picture of Muddy with her bandage on her head. The neck collar was still on because they were waiting the CT scan results, which were fine and she was able to leave without the collar. I'll spare you the image of her stapled-shut-scalp. :)

OUCH! Heal fast Muddy
Soooo sorry, Muddy! But even with staples on her head, she still smiles. What a tough cookie she is!
OMG! Kids don't do this at home!!!Eileen knows better... ASK FOR HELP! Save yourself! Thank God and happy healing to Muddy!
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