By the way, it's such a cool idea, I may just be giving them as gifts to any kids parties we're invited to!
With the new timeframe for getting to work/daycare- we don't have to leave the house til 7:45am, as opposed to previously leaving by 7am- we're getting to spend a lot more time less hectic in the morning. The kids are actually getting a chance to play in a non-rushed manner. It's a nice change.
Yesterday Addie came downstairs and announced, "Mommy I am married." This is what she looked like. She announced she was marrying Ben.

Awww how adorable are they! I just want to squeeze them! Addie is getting so big and I love Ben's little 'talks'
Very cool markers!
What a very beautiful bride Addie makes and Ben is the cutest groom!
Those are the sweetet pics!! Love them!!
Yeah, well we sent them postcards! Um, not that it's a competition or anything :)
Very cool markers - Aunt Jeremy and Uncle Amanda (tee hee) give the coolest prezzies.
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