Thursday, June 12, 2008

Mail for Addie

She saw the package as soon as she walked into the foyer. Somehow she just knew it was for her. And she knew who sent it!

By the way, it's such a cool idea, I may just be giving them as gifts to any kids parties we're invited to!

With the new timeframe for getting to work/daycare- we don't have to leave the house til 7:45am, as opposed to previously leaving by 7am- we're getting to spend a lot more time less hectic in the morning. The kids are actually getting a chance to play in a non-rushed manner. It's a nice change.

Yesterday Addie came downstairs and announced, "Mommy I am married." This is what she looked like. She announced she was marrying Ben.


Michelle said...

Awww how adorable are they! I just want to squeeze them! Addie is getting so big and I love Ben's little 'talks'

Harmony said...

Very cool markers!

What a very beautiful bride Addie makes and Ben is the cutest groom!

Anonymous said...

Those are the sweetet pics!! Love them!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, well we sent them postcards! Um, not that it's a competition or anything :)

Very cool markers - Aunt Jeremy and Uncle Amanda (tee hee) give the coolest prezzies.