Saturday, June 28, 2008

Nice day

Uneventful day, mostly at least, is how today was described.  Brian mowed the lawn, while Addie, Ben and I drove around in the their jeep for an hour, on a fully charged battery.  That's the only way that 210 lbs of people can ride in that thing at the same time.  One full hour, though, not too shabby.  We were all over the streets, through the whole neighborhood.  They thought they were hot stuff.
We put the waterslide up.  Muddy and Guppy came over.  Looking back at it, we didn't actually spend too much time in the water at all.  Addie and Ben wanted to go on the swings, which is code for "I want to take a nap."  Muddy and I graciously obliged and no kidding,pushed the swings with sleeping kids for almost 2 hours.  We had a bbq and then Muddy and Guppy went home.
We took the kids out for ice cream, since we ate a relatively early dinner. At Friendly's Addie solidified who's child she really is.  As we were getting up from the table, which was FULL of gooey napkins by that point, Addie noticed some chocolate sauce on the table.  Not one to pass on such a delight, she literally spun around to swipe her finger through it and put it in her mouth.  She looked to Brian and said, "MMMMM, that was SWEET." I'm so proud. :)
Addie and Ben both learned they could climb UP the waterslide today.  That's pretty funny, especially when one or both slips or loses footing!  What a riot.
Tomorrow will hopefully be low-key. We kept the slide out, so that'll definitely be going back up.  
I'm trying to work on getting pictures transferred over, etc onto this Mac.  Aye caramba!


Anonymous said...

the waterslide is like watching American Gladiators. Addie gets a 2 second head start and then gladiator Ben "Bullet" Nourie takes her down!!!!

Hahahaha! Love, Aunt Kim

Harmony said...

How fun!