Thursday, March 29, 2012

Today at Addie's school

Addie told us she had something special to tell us tonight, but she wanted to wait until we were all seated together for dinner. So once we were seated, she says the following:
You know Mr. Farr's boss? (My answer, no...) Ms. Ferguson? She's Mr. Farr's boss. (So I'm thinking, the Principal's boss should be the superintendent, right? But that's not Ms. Ferguson, because I know who the superintendent is.) She had her bosses in today and she asked me to sing for them. (What did you sing?) The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow. (How did it go?) Great. Then they asked me what grade I was in. (Cool. How did Ms. Ferguson know you can sing?) Because she saw me at the beginning of the year.

Now I'll have to find out who she really is, but apparently she's higher than the principal and her bosses are even more powerful than she is.


Anonymous said...

So mysterious!
Uncle Teb

Jeanna said...

How funny. Addie is nothing if not memorable!