Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Random things

1. Benjamin yesterday grabbed a pair of scissors out of the bucket at school just as one of his friends did too. They both pulled their favorite color handled scissors to which Ben exclaimed, "what a coincidence!" Must've been funny to hear a 5 year old talk like that.
2. Addie has her top front teeth loose. One is so loose it's almost hard to believe it's still in her mouth. I don't know what she's waiting for to pull it out, but everyone and their brother knows it's just hanging there. Odd. She thinks it's cool to show everyone how you can see the top of the tooth on the one side, while it's still connected on the other.
3. I was in Memphis last week overnight for a conference. I stayed at the Peabody. I had no idea what a famous hotel or chain it is, but whew when I mention it, people are like "omg, the Peabody!" They have ducks that live on the roof and come down every day at 11am to chill in the lobby's fountain, then they go back up to their roof suite at 5pm. Odd again. People waited 45 minutes to see the ducks arrive. I thought they would do some song and dance, but no alas, they are just ducks to waddle (and quickly, let me tell you!) and swim.
4. We are going to Family Zumba tonight at the Y. The kids LOVE it. Ben gets so into the dancing. It's adorable. After class, most of my fellow Zumbaers comment on how much fun they are to watch. If it wasn't such a personal thing, I would totally video tape a class just so you can see the kids. I know no one would care about who else was in the background, but I imagine they might not be so keen on the idea of me hanging onto my Flip camera while they are shimmying around, etc.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Both kids' vocabulary is impressive, but somehow Ben seems to draw more attention to his use of advanced language.
Uncle Teb