Sunday, March 25, 2012

Post-Jeremy and Amanda package

The kids got a package from Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Amanda on Friday. All weekend they begged to open it. Finally we said yes and this is the aftermath!
Looks like Christmas morning, right?
This was them after opening it all.
Ben wanted "to look like I'm super excited" for the picture!
They sent Ben a TMNT shirt that's too big for him right now, but will still be worn with pride.

I warned Ben that he may have two uncles who try to snatch that from him!
Among the loot, a bop bag that Ben has used all night long, a paintable dinosaur (which he tried to open immediately and I had to put the kibosh on that quickly), books, an American Girl doll game, My Little Pony shirt and skort, socks, My Little Ponies and some friends, and a mini American Girl doll for Molly to have! Awesome!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Speaking as an uncle, I have no idea what Cory is talking about regarding the T-shirt's desirability.