Monday, September 19, 2011

Long time

It's been so long since I last updated, that Addie has gone and turned 15 right before our eyes...

or so she'd like to think. Everyday now she prides herself on looking as mature as she can. You should see her flaunt it too. We joke that they'll tell her that 5th graders belong in a different part of the building.

Yesterday she had a cute outfit on and her hair done and her necklace and her watch, etc and I said to her, "Addie, I don't think you've ever looked cuter." Her response, "Well, I've been pretty cute before, so wow!"

1 comment:

Uncle Teb said...

She looks so grown-up, I can hardly stand it. I don't think I ever looked that natural in sunglasses when I was six.
Uncle Teb