Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Homework and such

Couple of quick updates:
Muddy is staple-free again. She got them removed yesterday and her doctor said, "woah, you really did a number on yourself, didn't you?"
As I mentioned previously, homework is a big deal in our house right now, for all of the right reasons. Addie's assignment this week is to "ask ten people if they like the sun or rain better and then tally their answers." Obviously she started with Ben and me, since we were home. Then we had to call and leave messages for Daddy (he's in NYC) and Muddy and Guppy. Then we called Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Amanda and Aunt Kim and Uncle Tom, then Onkteb and then Uncle Richard (Aunt Wendy was at school), then we called and talked to PopPop and asked MomMom to call us back when she got home from work, then we called LouLou and Bub too. Now, you'll realize that's more than 10 people. Once she got going, she really wanted people's opinions! I am kicking myself now that I didn't record her calling people, because she was about the most enthusiastic survey asker I've ever seen.
The conversations went basically like this:
Hi, this is Addie. I'm need you to help me with my homework. I'm doing a survey. do you like rain more or sun?
At that point, almost everything was giggling and said, "wait, can you say it again?" because she ran the words together so much. The "rain more" actually sounds like "rain mow" since her r sound is soft, so some people thought she said "rainbow." Eventually she'd slow it down, and with a little background Mommy help, each responder understood the task at hand and each dutifully answered. Some even waited for more questions, even though there were none.
Now, of course, this has led Benjamin to want to do a homework survey too- so you may be getting a call from him tonight asking you a certain question. He tends to enunciate more clearly, so I don't anticipate as much confusion. And he only has one question as well.
Yesterday was Brian and my 8th wedding anniversary. Yes, like I said, he's in NYC. We'll go out to dinner on Saturday night. Picking him at such an early age was single-handedly the best decision I ever made. The other stuff has come easily because of who he is and who we are together. I'm lucky, I know.
Soccer is going on without a hitch. Tomorrow night is hiphop, then PTA meeting/dinner, then "drive in movie night" at Addie's school which is basically everyone is supposed to bring chairs and blankets and camp out on the blacktop to watch the "Legend of Sleepyhollow" short cartoon, followed by "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown." Should be fun, assuming it's not too cold.
Saturday we have the soccer game and then the Fall Fest at her school. I'll be making balloon animals and supplying some goodies for the bake sale.
Phew- that's my life in a nutshell. Ben's latest zinger when I ask him something is "that's just part of life" as in "Benjamin, why are you so cute?" "That's just part of life." If only everything was that easy...or maybe it is?!

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