Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Couple of quick kid things

1.) Since we are home for a while now, with no trips planned etc, we ordered Addie's larvae for the Butterfly Garden she got for her birthday. The caterpillars arrive in this plastic cup with a lid with all of the nutrients they need for live out life as caterpillars, then they crawl to the top of the lid, hang upside down and form chrysalises and hang there for 7-10 days before emerging as butterflies. Once they are all hanging, I lift the lid off and pin the paper they're stuck to onto the side of the butterfly garden and we'll be able to see them hatch, etc. Anyways, I think this is very cool. I remember having one of these in my kindergarten class and how exciting it was to watch them develop each day, etc. Addie thinks it's pretty cool too, but she's more about the end result of having 5 butterflies to play with. After a few days of watching the caterpillars mill about, she was kind of "over it" I think. She asked me when they were going to "wrap up like burritos." I thought that was pretty funny. This morning's big news is we have one burrito! The other 4 caterpillars are all making their way up to the lid, but none have gotten into position yet. We'll keep you posted.
2.) Ben likes to run. Not unlike most 3.5 year olds I'm betting, people always say things like "I wish I could bottle up that energy." He's always moving. With the aforementioned constant movement also comes its fair share of spills, slips, run-ins, and any other injury you can think possible daily for a 3.5 year old who is convinced he's 5. One day last week we were taking a "walk" around this large pond near our house. The entire path is concrete sidewalk. While Brian, Addie and I were walking most of the time, Ben was not. As we got near the end of our "walk," Ben stumbled face first onto the sidewalk. I thought for sure he had hit his chin, but apparently his knees and hands hit first and he managed to keep his chin up. So as he's laying there splatted on the sidewalk, I run up to him and pick him up, try to dust him off and look for blood. I said, "what did you hit?" His response, in total Ben deadpan, was "the ground." Yes, you did, buddy.

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