Sunday, March 28, 2010

Proud moment for Addie!

This has been a long time coming and after lots of crying during hair brushing and talking about it, Addie asked that she get her hair cut. She and I have spent a good amount of time talking about kids with cancer who don't have any of their own hair and how we could give her cut hair to them. She really wanted to do that.
The before
Could she be any prouder?
Getting her hair all ready to be ponytailed
She got her hair separated into four ponytails
And then the first cut started
And started...
And finally was all the way through!!!

After the cuts!!!

She loves having her new hair blown dried
The final do!
Checking herself out for the first time...
The back of it.

Soooo proud of herself. When she looked in the mirror for the first time, she said, like only my Addie could, "This is the real me. I was hiding behind my old hair."
I can't explain the sense of pride I feel for having Addie be my daughter on days like today. She's so generous and has a wonderful sense of wanting to help others. She just made my day.

And I can't even begin to explain how easy her new hair is to manage!! She took a bath tonight, washed her hair, I brushed it in 8 strokes and blew it dry. Easy peasy!


Linny said...

Great hair, Addie!!! You look fabulous!!! I really like it!

I Need A Drink! said...

That is so awesome Addie! Congratulations! What a great and unselfish thing you did! I'm so proud of you! looks ADORABLE!

Jeanna said...

Looks great. What an awesome kid you have

Gail said...

yay Addie! Did you know I am also growing my hair to give to locks of love? I think I am almost there! Your hair looks sooooo cute.

Miss Nay said...

Addie is absolutely GORGEOUS! I love the do... and sometimes that new look does get rid of the old... trust me I know and there will be many more moments to shed the old... Go GIRL!