Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Some kid things....

Addie started her new "big kid class" yesterday.  Each child has a cubby, with a picture of them on it, on some sort of scenery.  In Ben's class, for instance, they're all on a schoolbus, so you see his face out a window.  In Addie's old class, I forget what the cubby scene was.  Well yesterday, the FIRST thing she said when we walked into her room was, very admantly of course, "Mommy, I don't belong on a farm!"  Apparently, Kinder Care forgot to consult with the resident Diva about her choice of location!

Ben is so stinking cute nowadays.  He says, "hmmm" and puts his index finger to his lip, like he's deep in thought.  He's also really into, "my turn Mommy. My turn." He sings "On top of spaghetti" and when it comes time for the line about "when somebody sneezed," he says "sneezed. Aaaaa-choooo!"  He also sings the ABCs with gusto and if interrupted must start over again, after chastising whoever interrupted with, "my turn!"

Today I experienced one of those dreaded Mommy moments that I knew would happen eventually.  While driving home from daycare, both of them were happily munching away on the crunchy breadsticks that daycare has as a snack for the way home.  They've eaten them daily for over a year now, right?  Well today Ben starting choking.  For real choking.  I am trying to drive, while reaching back to swat his back, while trying to navigate to the shoulder, just to get to the point where there is no shoulder.  I ended up pulling off the road, onto where the sidewalk begins (or ends, I guess, if I asked Shel Silverstein).  I'm talking gravel, debris, rocks, etc.  Ben ended up getting the piece out on his own and was fine.  Meanwhile, I'm worried about backing up and re-entering the roadway, fearing I have flattened all four tires.  Needless to say, the car was fine. Ben was fine.  All is ok with the world. :)


Jeanna said...

Yikes how scary. Ronan did that once with a teddy graham. NOT FUN.

Glad to hear all was well.

Where did Addie think she should be? A castle perhaps? She is just too funny.

I Need A Drink! said...

OMG Cory...heart attack. I'm so glad it all turned out ok....with everything!



Anonymous said...

I'm really glad that it turned out okay. I miss the kids a lot; and seeing that post reminds me how far away I am from them. Please tell them both that Aunt Gail and I love them.