Wednesday, August 13, 2008

So many things...

Sorry for not doing a whole storyline here, but here are the current highlights in my life:
~ I have a fever for the first time in my adult life.  Weird. I feel like crap, but must go about my life as usual, because Hey, I'm a mom and an employee.
~ Addie and Ben love to play guessing games.  Just about every car ride revolves around me giving them clues, to figure something out.  Addie then gives me clues and sometimes I'm really blown away with her ability to reason and put descriptors together.
~ Love the Olympics, don't love the late night events. I know they changed them for the US, so it could air live, but man alive- I'm not waiting up each night to watch things.  Thank God for DVR and for the internet!
~ I attended my first M&M casestudy at work today...It stands for something... medicine moratorium or something....anyway- it revolved around a 5 year old boy who suffered a spinal cord injury while riding on an ATV.  He now uses a wheelchair and has no sensation or ability to move below his chin.  For real.  Makes me damn sure my kids will never be on an ATV and you better believe if anyone I know has one, I'll be sharing this story with them.  The poor kid is ventilator dependent now and is having a rough time in general.  Not fun.  As one of my social work buddies says, ATV means A Trauma Victim.  

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