Totally out of order, sorry. But I didn't want to miss this. Kate, that's the kite you gave us!! It's the first time I've ever been able to get a kite to fly in the air!!!

The four of us took an early-fall/goodbye to summer trip to the shore in New Jersey this weekend. Muddy and Guppy cam with us, and Onkteb met us there. Upon arriving on Friday night, Ben exclaimed, "I just love waking up here." We stayed at my physician-partner's house, which is exquisite. They rent it out over the summer.
Since we got there about 9:30pm, and wanted to wait up for Onkteb to arrive, we had to play in the dark. The kids were excited to have Muddy read books to them.

After having breakfast on Saturday morning, the kids had fun playing on all of the balconies. This is taken from the 3rd floor balcony, with them up on the Master balcony on the 4th floor.

Playing in the sand. Since it is not officially the summer season at the shore, we basically had the whole beach to ourselves.

And then realized the waves were borderline off-da-hook, so it was wise to have Brian come in too. I stayed on shore and photographed (someone had to.)

Addie LOVES the beach. She loves to lay face down on the sand, loves to be covered in it, just loves it. Could that sandy face be any happier? I think not.

Muddy brought some of the super bubble makers, and Addie and Ben chased them around the beach, trying to break them. Talk about great exercise.
A sand-dried face.
We had so much fun! And the kids were fantastic in the water, which really impressed me.
Tell Ben I love, love waking up there too!
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