Thursday, September 16, 2010


Addie was super excited to tell me that she was singing "Sleepy Jeans" on the playground and Ms. Melgarejo overheard her and asked what she was singing. Once Ms. M was sure it was what she thought it was, they sang it together. Addie thought it was so cool to have a song that she and Ms. M both knew. Ms. M did tell me that she told Addie, "but you have a much nicer voice than me," to which Addie replied, "Yes I do." Nothing spells confidence like that, right?
Now, I need to give credit where credit is due- the reason Addie knows "Sleepy Jeans" so well is because that is her and Onkteb's song. So much so that I fully expect at Addie's wedding reception (you know, in 40 years) that she will request that song be played so she and Onkteb can dance to it together. Awwwww.
Now little does Addie (or Ms. M, for that matter) realize, there are many songs that Addie could sing that Ms. M would know. Perhaps the entire Glee soundtrack?

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