The only catch to their rhyming is that all of the rhymes start with the letter f. Ben gets on a roll and it sounds something like this:
B: Mommy, I know what what rhymes with wall.
M: What?
B: Fall! I know what rhymes with baby.
M: What?
B: Faby! I know what rhymes with table.
B: Fable! I know what rhymes with tiger.
M: What?
B: Figer
And you get the idea.
A couple nights ago we were getting them settled in bed and Addie and Ben both were on a rhyming spree. Any word that popped in their head they could name the rhyme that started with f. After going through every visible item in the room (mirror- firror, wall-fall,picture-ficture, etc, etc, etc) Brian jumped in and started saying the f-rhyme before they could.
It was hysterical because each time Brian would shout out the rhyme, Addie was so proud of him. Typically it followed with, "That's right Daddy!" or "Way to go!" or "How did you know?"
We both laughed and kept it going, because to them we were just discovering the rhyme too!
Ahhh, I love them so much.
On Tuesday night we went to the St. Helena's Carnival, which is just up the street from where we all grew up. St. Helena's was the event to look forward to as a child. It was Addie and Ben's first time there and they weren't disappointed. (Photo and video from my camera aren't loading right now, so I'll do it later!)
Awwww, that was a great post! You guys have such smart kids! I am continuously impressed with how wonderful they are with writing, and remembering things. Can you come to my house? LOL! You and Brian are such wonderful parents, Cory.
Shayden does this all the time too, Maci usually just repeats Shayden.
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