The Mother's Day tradition of beautiful pictures at Chanticleer continued!

Cute action shot of Addie on the hill

You can't get much more sheer excitement then this, can you?

The BEST picture of Addie.

Ben's latest thing, sticking his tongue out just as his picture is being taken.


The annual picture in the Mouse House.

Muddy after holding Benjamin on her knees for the previous picture.

The area of tall grass was lots of fun for Ben

Find me a photography contest to enter this in!

That's Ben in the far distance. He took off running and we thought he'd stop at the rock benches. Nope. He kept going. Brian and I took off in a mad dash. In the very back of the picture is a fence that separates Chanticleer from a road. Ben ran all the way to the fence, tagged it and said, "I won." Brian wasn't too happy...

From a distance, a cute family picture. Up close, Ben has stuck his tongue out!

Addie smelling a flower.

This might be the cutest picture of Addie.

Kim and Tom on their thrones
He can't get much cuter, can he?
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