First, our weekend was so nice. Muddy & Guppy were champs with Addie and Ben. All four slept relatively well, which I'm really happy about. Brian and I got just about all of the kids' Christmas shopping done! They are getting one REALLY cool thing for both of them, and then the smaller typical toys. Brian and I watched two movies, "Baby Mama" which was cute and "The Happening" which so wasn't, er uh, happening. It was really gory. Not the typical M. Night Shaymalan movie at all. We also managed to eat at two really nice dinners, one at the Melting Pot and the other at Sullivan's Steakhouse. I got ALL of the laundry done in our house. For those of you who have been to our house, you know what that means! Brian got the lawn all mowed and leaves raked up. Overall a very successful and relaxing weekend.
When we picked Addie and Ben up we, of course, wanted play by plays of what they did/said/ate, etc. ;) Muddy told us this story about Addie:
She got up and started walking around the house and said, "Muddy, do you smell that?" (She gets her keen sense of smell from me!) "No, I don't. What does it smell like?" She crinkles up her nose and says, "It smells like S-K-E-N-G!" Now we have no idea what Skeng is, but apparently it was bad enough that Addie thought it was necessary to spell it! Makes us think about how many times we spell something out in the course of a day around her. :)
Whatever you do, stay away from the skeng!
1 comment:
Forewarned is forearmed. I will be on the lookout for skeng!
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