Really, i don't know how I ever managed to post every day or even every other day a few months ago!
This weekend Brian and I celebrate our 6 year wedding anniversary. I asked Muddy and Guppy if they'd watch the kids on Sunday afternoon and evening so we could see a movie and have dinner. Muddy agreed and then offered to watch them Saturday THROUGH Sunday. Yes, that means overnight! When I asked Addie, she about flipped her lid to have a "sleepover with Muddy and Guppy." She is very curious if she'll sleep in her bedroom, "with the letters." (The guest bedroom has letters that spell out "Sweet dreams"hanging over the headboard. I'm looking forward to them having a chance to sleep away from our house without us. It's never been done we'll see.
Addie informed me the other day that "Mommy, I know how to say Holy Camoley in Spanish." What?! Ok.... "Really? How?" "speas lados." "Spes ladis?" "No Mommy, say it with me- ssspppeeaaasss llllaaaddooosss." Ah! Of course. Silly me. So now my daughter is translating words into foreign sounding things, without really knowing any of them. Although she can count to 10 in Spanish and she knows quite a bit of words from Dora.
Which leads me to Benjamin, who when asked who Dora is, by holding up a doll of her or showing a sticker with her on it, replies, "Do-do-do-do-Dora." He actually thinks that's her name! Just like he's convinced that Diego's name is "Go, Diego, Go."
Ben is fast on pace to become a poster child for head injuries, more specifically on the face. Yesterday he was on a cube jungle gym thing at daycare (all the moms of toddlers know what I'm talking about) and slipped. Somehow in his fall he caught the corner of his eye on the corner of the cube. So he's swollen up like a boxer who's been punched on the brow. It's not black and blue yet. It might just stay red/brushed burned. We'll see.
Oh and I bought something that I was tickled with, for the kids. To give you a tease since I haven't uploaded the pictures yet- Addie and Ben were both enthralled with them when I presented them. Addie had not problems using it and activating it. She thought it was hysterical. Benjamin was terrified once he realized what it did! He's much more interested in Addie engaging with it, and Ben just pushing the button to turn on. Aren't you curious now? :)
Oh come on! Post it post it post it.
Have a nice fun weekend with your hubby!
And Ronan is right there with Ben, he has a permanent bruise on his forehead.
Hope you have a fantastic weekend!! Happy Anniversary!
And yes, no teasing! POST!
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