Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Wild Cat Award

The first Highlands Hooray Day honored four children from each classroom for demonstrating one of the Highlands characteristics (responsible, courteous, cooperative, respectful).  After those four characteristics are celebrated, the coveted Wild Cat Award is given out- this is for the student in each class who consistently demonstrates all four characteristics.
Surprisingly (or not) both Ben and Addie won the Wild Cat Award for their classes! 
The ceremony happened to be on "pajama day" so it may look a little weird to see them in pjs but that's why!
 Even  Ben's teacher is wearing her pjs.
 He's pretty proud of himself. 

 It was only fitting that amongst the three second grade classes that Addie, Hyltin and Elijah won the award! They were her two best friends from kindergarten and first grade...and we were so sad that they each got put into a different class this year, but as we explained the school wanted to share the wealth that each of them has to offer to other students.
 This picture is a good demonstration of just how petite Addie is for her age. They're standing on the same level.
 Very proud.
As her class came in, she mouthed to me "I won the Wild Cat!" 


Anonymous said...

Big congratulations to Addie & Ben! (we were not at all surprised, though, when we saw the requirements.) Great photos. Love you and miss you all, LouLou & Bub

Djehuti said...

I'm so proud of those kids!
Uncle Teb

Miss Nay said...

Just checking in on you all! Glad that your babies can have a sense of all things good beyond REAL... So grateful to check in to this site!!