Sunday, August 19, 2012

Last of Jamaica

The last few days of Jamaica were more of the same..sun, sand, water park and drinks!
Benjamin was thrilled because they finally had the chocolate muffins for breakfast again. We grabbed six and took the leftovers to the room for him to bring down the next two mornings for breakfast.
 Little children of luxury (in Nourie grotto, of course)
 Aunt Keri and Addie
 Addie and Quinn Adelaide!! I love how happy she looks here.
 Daddy's girl.
 Beverages for all!
 Two Mrs. Nouries
 Cutie having fun.
 Scott and Keri are at the top of the slide, as Graham and Addie came down.
 PopPop and something delicious
 Little swimmer
 Brian and I lounging in the water park
 Still smiling (this is actually the next day from the beginning set of pictures- I have to go off of bathing suits to differentiate!)
 I got adventurous and brought my camera INTO the water park so I could capture some good action shots. Here's Ben coming down the tube slide. It was long and windy.
 Pretty happy.
 PopPop coming down the tube slide too
 The force and current off the slide was strong.  The buoy lines tried to keep people from spinning out of control and into others who were just enjoying the water!
 Ben did a stellar job of keeping his ears above water. It wasn't easy, but he gave it a good effort.
 Chilling in the shade.
 Brian, Addie and Graham
 This is the four of us coming down the body slide together.
 Entering the water...look at Addie's face.
 I prepared Ben that I was gonna grab him as soon as we hit the water so his head didn't get wet.
 Pretty fun series of pictures, right?
 Afterwards my friend Shevon, from the activities staff, was walking around on the stilts again. It was one of the scheduled activities a few times that week. I had tried it twice before and had been totally successful (the only guest, by the way, who tried it successfully). This time I happened to have my camera with me, so Addie snapped some shots.
 The first day I did it, I wrapped my big toe around the bottom of the stilt and it was so badly bruised that I thought I broke it. Alas, I did not.
 Professional (almost)
 This is how most guests look while on the stilts, with Shevon holding on to them.
Our last full-day in Jamaica! Bye!!! 
Overall a fun nice trip. The kids were so funny weighing the pros and cons (no cons, really) of a cruise versus Disney versus Caribbean resort vacation.  Tough life for them right?


Djehuti said...

I love how Ben looks poised and collected with the chocolate muffins, even though I know that inside he's jumping up and down with excitement!
Uncle Teb

Jeanna said...

What excellent family adventures you guys have!