Monday, October 10, 2011

Day Three of Cruise video
Finally!! So this is how it started.... I have the beginning part of the song too, but I accidentally hit the stop button half-way through! Doh! I have to say I was a little unhappy with the physical set up for the karaoke, since the poor kid couldn't even see the screen. She was constantly up on her toes trying to see the lyrics. It was fun to watch as people walked through the lounge and then stopped to listen to her finish her songs. She actually sang four that day! She started with Tomorrow, followed by We are the Champions, followed by the video that I will load below (a soon as Youtube is done uploading it), and she closed it out with Somewhere Over the Rainbow.
I LOVE how Addie's got her hand on his back the whole time, patting him, etc. So sweet.

1 comment:

Uncle Teb said...

So CUTE! I miss the kids all over again.
Uncle Teb