Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The things they say!

Well how 'bout these apples? A blog post with no pictures?!
I wish I had an audio recording running at all times in our house. The things that come out of Addie and Ben's mouths are so hysterical sometimes. A lot of the time, it's not even something funny that's said- it's because they use such adult words correctly and it just startles everyone who is listening. I know they both have amazing vocabularies, but sometimes it just strikes me as simply amazing.
A few examples:
  • One day last week when I got home from work, I noticed in the backyard that Rosetta Pickle was laying, soaking wet and dirty. I knew this would devastate Addie. Rosetta's body is cloth, but her head and arms are plastic. When I showed her what I found, Addie got a look of despair on her face. I told her, "Don't worry, Muddy will take her head off and clean her up." To that, Addie looked like "WHAT?" I quickly just said "Muddy will clean her up." So fast forward a few days and Rosetta Pickle's head is decapitated and sitting out of sight (or so we thought) in the laundry room, while her body is cleaned and drying. We went to walk out the back door, when Addie spots Rosetta's head and stump of a neck. She picks it up, cradles her hair with her hand and says, "Don't worry my darling, you'll be whole again soon."
  • Benjamin does a lot of talking in his sleep. Just about every night I hear him saying something. Last night he said, "I do want ketchup actually." He uses words like 'actually' a lot. They are very mature words used in the correct context and it just wows me. He's also thrown words like 'overcome' around recently too.


Ellen said...

So cute, Cory! Love these types of posts.

Matthew is also into "actually" here too..everything is actually..Love it!


Jeanna said...

We hear that alot too. Actually its an SUV or actually its a glass (instead of a cup) Have to be EXACT or the actually comes out.
You got some big brains going on over there.